Wednesday, April 9, 2014

My opinion of snowmobiles...

Wildflower golf course will be tentatively open April 18th.  Man, that seems scary to say when its  April 9th.  Last year, this time I was wondering if I moved to Greenland instead of Minnesota...  Today was the first real day of working out on the course, and I was giddy and excited for spring to be here.  Although it was really tough to bring my spirits down, I still had cause to be upset for some people's actions over the last winter.  I don't know who, but I can assure you that if I did know, they would definitely be getting an ear full from me.


This is the sort of thing that I really, really hate.  Trespassers on the golf course, thinking that they aren't doing any damage, riding machines that are worthless and break down more often that not.  These shots were taken ON 18 green, and there were many more like it in the fairway and surrounding area of the green.  We have enough work to do in the spring with what the weather deals us, I don't need to be cleaning up after someone who is taking a joyride across my way of life.  If you ride snowmobiles, that's your choice, but do not under any circumstance think it is ok to ride them on a golf course.  Even though there was sufficient snow cover, the skis and track still rip the grass to shreds.

    It's going to take some time to heal this turf, and honestly it makes me look bad as a turf manager. 
   OK, enough about me complaining about reckless damage to property.  I will give a head's up as a safety precaution for next year.   There will be new fencing put up along the perimeter of the course, so please do not attempt to get on the course!


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