A few weeks back the temperatures were getting into the 60's and I was debating on pulling covers. It was beautiful, the sun was shining and birds were chirping; spring was for surely here. Then the next two weeks brought cold and some really nasty winds... I am really glad I listened to my instinct and relied on my experiences with Minnesota weather and decided to wait and pull covers. There is a game to play each spring when dealing with greens covers. Do you pull them early because you are getting into a warm spell? Do you leave them on and gamble through the warm spell? You can literally get burned if you do the wrong thing!!!
The covers we use at Wildflower are a thin, woven tarp-style material made up of random green and clear strands. They are thin and are designed to help heat up in the spring and to keep the desiccating winds off the crowns in the winter in the case that there is no snow cover. This year was EXACTLY why I am a huge believer ( maybe even a belieBER jk thanks Canada)
#9 Green March 31st 2015.
These two pictures are of the almost-identical part of the green, only taken from two different ends. in the above photo I was shooting towards the pro shop, and in the below photo I was shooting from the pro shop. Below is a picture of #9 taken April 17th 2014.
Now this goes to show you the differences not only in the year, but in the greens covers that we use! Granted, last winter drug on forever and we had a ton more snow cover to produce mycelium and snow mold, but just look at the difference in dark green color.
My next two pictures will scare you. These are of #12 green, and I really lost a lot of sleep over this green last season. The chemicals we applied from 2014 to 2015 were the same, but the winter and the addition of the greens covers was the variable.
#12 April 2014
#12 March 2015
Once again, I can not stress enough that there were two totally different winters. These pictures line up pretty well, both taken from the front right collar looking over the green. I am very happy with the change, needless to say!
By the time of my next post, we will be open and enjoying some beautiful spring weather!
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